Things To Look For In A Metrology Lab For Dimensional Inspections

Environmental Blog

If you need to verify parts have the right dimensions that were specified in the design phase, then a dimensional inspection needs to take place. It can be performed by metrology laboratories. You just need to find one that can deliver a couple of things.

Fast Turnaround For the Results

You may have a deadline quickly approaching for a part you're looking to prove out before manufacturing begins. In this case, you need to find a metrology lab with a fast turnaround. They should be able to perform dimensional inspections on your parts quickly and get back results without delay. Then you can make sure dimensions are where they need to be before proceeding to part development.

A metrology lab with ample experience, accommodating inspection equipment, and a well-functioning work site will be able to come through on these fast turnarounds so that you don't have to delay how parts are manufactured. 

Dimensional Inspection Specialty

Metrology labs can offer a number of services for clients besides dimensional inspections, such as calibration services. However, if you want to ensure dimensional inspections for your parts take place in an accurate and streamlined manner, then you want to partner up with a metrology lab that's had enough time to specialize in these inspections.

Then you know everything will be dialed in, from how your parts are set up on inspection equipment to how data is collected and organized at the end. You won't have to question any aspect of how your dimensional inspections were conducted.

Qualified Inspection Team For Equipment

There are a lot of important machines used to carry out dimensional inspections on parts, including laser trackers and photogrammetry machines. It's important to find a metrology lab that employs qualified inspectors to check on this equipment frequently, making sure it's dialed in and in good condition to provide you with accurate dimensional inspection data.

If there were problems with the dimensional inspection equipment, the inspectors would pinpoint them and make sure they're addressed before any of your part's dimensions are assessed. This way, you can study the results at the end competently and then decide what to do next with your parts. 

Making sure parts are the right size before manufacturing a lot of them is possible through dimensional inspections, which metrology labs offer. You just need to figure out which lab is the best to work with when having these assessments performed on parts. 

Reach out to a metrology laboratory services company like Applied Calibration Services to learn more.


29 August 2022

The Wonders of the Planet

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